庵主 / 松村せい子 matsumura seiiko
山口県生まれ。出版社勤務後、フリーランスのイラストレーター・ライターになり、現在は紙と糸をベースにした制作活動(ゴム版画やガリ版印刷、刺繍のブローチやダーニング、ステッチ esc.)、文章やとことばを書き綴った印刷物(カレンダーやZINE esc.)の発行など。
また2020年より、ブックアーティスト太田泰友氏が主宰するOTA BOOK LABにてブックアートを追究中。
seiiko matsumura is the owner of this website .
Born in Yamaguchi pref. She has been working as a freelance illustrator and writer after working as an editor at a publishing company in Tokyo.
She likes printing works on papers, stitching by threads and writing letters, currently creating printed paper goods(by rubber stamp or mimeograph) and thread-based productions like embroidery brooches.
Since 2020 she has been learning bookart at OTA BOOK LAB run by a bookartist Yasutomo Ota.
She values “once-in-a-lifetime” encounters and interactivity, and takes pleasure in expressing forms that arise from the physicality and coincidence of our hands, Also with the joy of upcycling something that has been used up.
She enjoys working with hands in snail’s pace, looking forward to connecting with you and others invisible in the universe !